Scaling-Up Rural Development
Enhancing Sustainability and Impact in Northeast India
Scaling-up good practices must become an integral part of national rural development strategies to reduce rural poverty and support broad-based rural development (Scaling-Up the Impact of Good Practices in Rural Development, World Bank, 2003). The term scaling-up is used with reference to the replication, spread, or adaptation of techniques, ideas, approaches, and concepts, as well as to increased scale of impact. Scalability, then, is the potential of a particularly innovation or change to be scaled up, or expanded, adapted or replicated.
The fundamental challenge to the contemporary developmental approach is sustainability of the scaling up development initiatives across the globe. It is now well established that contemporary development initiatives might achieve scalability but sustainability of such scale up development initiatives need to reexamine the scaling up approach for achieving the sustainability.
The Northeast Conclave on Sustainability & Scalability is a platform that envisions taking this idea forward by encapsulating insights and critical reflections on contemporary, relevant developmental initiatives in rural areas. Accordingly, Northeast Conclave on Sustainability & Scalability aims to bring actors of the development ecosystem from India with a special emphasis of Northeast and Eastern India together to discuss their transactions to meet the sustainability objective of their scale up developmental initiatives.
The expected outcome of the summit is to contribute to the knowledge body and aid in imparting sustainability in the scaled up development initiatives. Discussions, deliberations and creative engagements during the summit would help the participants obtain ideas which can further improve the planning and execution of projects and aid in providing innovative solutions to the problems faced in sustaining the scaled up development initiatives.